
Is Ceramic Coating Good for Your Car

Since the beginning of mans history there has been a lot of different questions about their existence. But the question really bothers the car owners is that is ceramic coating good for their car? So first of all, you should know that what is ceramic coating.

Ceramic coating is basically a liquid polymer that makes a protected layer over your car. It is basically the composition of silica and titanium dioxide whose makes a covalent bond that is hydrophobic.

This layer protects your car from different pollutants and environmental contamination that’s are air oxidation, road salt, insect acids, bird droppings, swirling etc.

Now come to another point that is car wax. Car wax or automotive wax is a natural or synthetic protection layer on car that is continue process because of waxing makes a thin layer. Most of the car wax in market, is natural oil or petroleum detailing product.

The main question here is that is ceramic coating good for your car? In this article we will try to find the answer by going through three basic part.

The first what ceramic coating does or the pros of ceramic coating, the second what are the problems or cons of ceramic coating and thirdly the myths of ceramic coating that you should not believe. After all these three you will be able to evaluate it by yourself.

why Should use ceramic coating

This is the part that will give you reasons that you should use a ceramic coating

  • First of all ceramic coating will act as an water repellent. For this service the coating will not give any time to the water to rest on the surface. For this any kind of pollutant that may come with water doesn’t find any way to get in the car paint.
  • Second the coating is also dirt is also repellent. For this quality you will find that the coating also protects the surface from any kind of mud,dirt or dust.
  • Thirdly the coating protects the car from UV-rays of sun. As a result, the glossy mode of car lasting for long time which provide a new look car surface.
  • The coating also protects the car from any kind of chemicals that may harm the surface. And most of the ceramic coating does not hurt the car paint. So car paint stay safe as well for long duration.
  • Making the cars shine or glossiness more sustainable. After apply ceramic coating, drive your car on muddy road, snow or rainy environment, car looks like so gorgeous than all other time. Because of, coating not only protect from environmental contamination but also protect the car paint.
  • The coating also makes the job of rinsing easy because it already adds protection to the car.

The Drawbacks of Ceramic Coating

  • The surface takes a lot of efforts if the car paint is poor. So make sure that your car paint is perfect or not.
  • There are a lot of poor quality products are out in the market. You definitely need to be careful about the product. When you buy from the market, try to take a brand-able product with perfect warranty with expired date of manufacturing.
  • The coating work is not for you if you are a newbie in the sector car. It takes a bit of experience if you need to use coating.
  • The coating is semi permanent. As being semi permanent you have to fix your find for two or three years you cant to any other inside the coating jobs like paint job. Most of cases, all kinds of coating stay one to three years.
  • The removing process of ceramic coating is also one hell of a job. It takes a lot of patience and determination to remove the coating from the surface. When you buy a coating, see the user manual of coating. To apply time and remove time, see the manual and get the best one result at apply or remove purpose.

The Ceramic Coating Myth

1. Ceramic Coating is Scratch Proof : The myth is that is scratch proof but that’s a total lie. The main job of the ceramic coating for car is to work as a repellent.

Sometimes different brands end up exaggerating so much that it becomes like a fairy tale. The truth is that ceramic coating doesn’t protect your vehicle from scratches.

2. Your Car won’t Need Maintenance after doing Ceramic Coating : This is another ridiculous myth around ceramic coating. It is true that ceramic coating makes maintenance very easy but your car will need daily maintenance to keep your car clean and free from pollution.

3. Ceramic Coatings are Permanent : This another very common myth. But here the actual fact is that ceramic coatings are just semi permanent.

If you coat the surface properly it will last at least two to three years. And most importantly before that time you need not to reapply them on the surface.

4. They are very easy to use : It is a crime if you think it is very easy to use ceramic coating. They take a lot of hard work and effort. You definitely need to be patient and determine in case of working on it. Another thing is experience is also need in this case.

5. They Provide More Glossiness and Shine than the Waxes or Sealants : Yes,ceramic coating is mostly a protector and sometimes also helps the glossiness to be more sustainable but the myth about giving more shine than the waxes or sealants is lie.

Wrap Up

I am not going to answer straightly about the fact that is ceramic coating good for your car or not. Rather I gives you the data from which you yourself can evaluate all the details about the pros and cons about ceramic coating and also the myths. And by evaluating all these data you will find out your answer. To get new update about ceramic coating , stay with us and visit our recent post also.

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