
How to Use Air Compressor to Fill Tire – Step by Step Guide

A lovely sunny day and you want to take a long drive along the countryside in this beautiful weather. You took your car out and started driving. Everything was going just fine until the tire of your car decided not to let you go ahead as it had turned flat. Just enough to spoil your day, isn’t it?

Faced something like this before? Well, a situation like this can arise anytime and you need to get prepared for anything like this. How about starting the preparation by emphasizing on how to use air compressor to fill tire?

Don’t know how to do that? Or perhaps the result is not satisfying enough!

In that case, there is no need for you to worry as the content deals with both of the situations by implementing some easy steps.

No more waiting for someone’s help. By following these steps, you can fill up and fix your flat tire all by yourself in a few minutes. And what’s more, it won’t charge you any extra money as well.

Use Air Compressor to Fill Tire

Use Air Compressor to Fill Tire

Still confused? Why not see for yourself! The steps are briefly described below.

Using an air compressor to fill tire: Steps to follow

Set the compressor up and get started.

Determine the optimum pressure

It is the first thing to set up your compressor and you should be really cautious while doing this.

The instruction manual is provided for each model. The pressure level varies depending on that. Do exactly what it says. Usually, there is a certain rage which begins from 28 psi and it can vary up to 36 psi.

However, the manual provides you with a maximum level which determines the borderline for you by which you can easily set the optimum pressure level.

Let the tire cool down

It is always a wise decision to avoid unnecessary risks. So, before proceeding, let your tire cool down properly to avoid the risk of a sudden accident. You can simply wait till it cools down or can apply external water flow to let the cooling procedure work faster.

If you start working with a hot tire, the air inside it will gradually expand which will certainly increase the pressure inside the tire. As a matter of fact, the reading you will get measuring the pressure will no longer be accurate. Thus, the whole calculation can get altered which is why this step is very important.

Adjust the valve

To start working with your compressor, you have to adjust the valve. In order to do so, you need to take off the cap which is sealing the valve.

There are multiple types of caps available in the market among which the rubber ones and the metallic ones are the most famous.

Make sure that you are keeping the cap in a safe place where you can find it easily. Otherwise, you may lose it.
Set up the gauge

You are all done with the preparation. Now, it is time for you to set up the gauge. Let’s begin!

Take the gauge and place its plug right into the valve. Now, gently press it down. Make sure that it’s firm and secured. You will hear a hissing sound because of the air which is escaping. Keep on doing this until the sound stops.

Now, repeat the same process for the other tires as well. Pay a close attention to the pressure level. Do not let it exceed the range.

Use the compressor correctly

Use the compressor correctly

Main operation

Fill in the air

Filling air into the flat tire can turn out to be quite a tough job. As these situations can arise anytime in any random location, it is the safest option to stay prepared.

A very good way to do that is to carry your air with you. In other words, it means that you can carry a portable inflator with you.

These inflators are really handy and easy to manage. To use this inflator you need to plug it into the power socket of your car. You can find it in any gauge selling store.

Use the compressor correctly

Now, it is time for you to turn the compressor on. The compressor can be turned on in different manners such as by using a switch or plug or anything else.

Generally, the compressors used for home contain switches. And the compressors used for service stations contain plugs.

No matter what the compressor is like, it starts with a hissing sound. By hearing this sound, you can determine that the compressor has been connected properly and it has started working.

Work on the nozzle and trigger

You have to connect the nozzle of the hose onto the valve. Now, make sure that it is secured well by pressing it gently down until the hissing is minimized.

The pressure measurement is very important in this step. What you need to do is to keep a constant look at the meter which measures the pressure. You can’t rely on the sliding gauge which is attached on the compressor.

Follow the instruction manual and keep on checking the pressure range. By doing that, you can add or even remove air and balance the ratio.

Seal everything firmly

After getting fully assured that the pressure level in your tire is evenly distributed, you need to seal everything in the correct manner.

You checked the optimum range and adjusted the pressure. When the pressure is properly distributed, place the cap again to its previous location. Do the same for the rest of the tires.

Follow the indicator and make sure that the balance is correct. While replacing the cap keep an eye on the heat level as well.

concluding the operation

Concluding the operation

Concluding the operation

Disconnect compressor properly

You are now all set to go! But what about the compressor? Of course, it has to be ejected safely. You can either confirm switching it off or you can disconnect the plug as well. Do not forget doing that.

Whatever you do, do not work while it’s hot. Take your time and recheck everything after the procedure. It doesn’t even take too much effort or time to check all these measures.

So, do not get hasty. Follow these useful advices and you are all ready for a soothing drive!

Dealing with the dispenser

Handling air dispenser is very important regarding how to use air compressor to fill tire. The hose that you are going to use contains a valve and a switch. By switching it on a gauge will eventually pop up which will show you the pressure.

The dispenser doesn’t take a long time to operate. Thus, keep on checking it every month. If you notice any type of irregularity, take that under consideration and try to solve it in time.

Handling inflation complications

Inflation can cause a lot of complications. If you keep on neglecting that you might even get into a big problem.

If the tire is not handled properly while inflating, over-inflation creates imbalance inside the tire which results in riding discomfort.

On the other hand, under-inflation is a big problem as well. It wastes a lot of energy and affects mileage as well.

Both of the cases hamper the performance of your car which is why it is very important to keep a close eye on this.

Ensuring safety measures

Your safety is the most important thing that matters. Even the slightest carelessness can cause you unwanted pain. There’s no telling what could happen next. Then why take a risk?

Small steps can help a lot to ensure your safety. All you have to do is to follow them wisely. Measures, like wearing safety glasses or gloves or even keeping your belongings at a safe distance can also protect you from unwanted harm.

By following these easy steps ensure your safety and carry out the rest of the procedure.

How to Fix Flat Car Tires Easily and Inflate It


Unwanted situations like getting your car tire flatted in the middle of an important journey can cause you a lot of stress. You might get worried about how to use air compressor to fill tire to fix the situation. There is no telling you may find a mechanic anywhere or not.

The most reliable solution for this is to learn how to fix it on your own. The content showed you the way to solve it in a very simple manner. Wasn’t that difficult as you thought, right?

A few problems can pop up anytime. Just keep on following the instructions and get rid of those problems without a fuss. Hope you will do a fine job!

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