
How Long Does The power Steering Fluid Last?

Are you worried that your power steering fluid isn’t lasting long enough, or are you trying to find out how long your power steering fluid should last? Well, I have all the answers to your questions so that you don’t have to worry about anything at all. 

I have made your guide on how long does power steering fluid lasts along with more important information on the topic, so you don’t miss out on anything. So, let’s get going already!    

Power Steering Fluid Lasting
Power Steering Fluid Lasting

Why Power Steering Fluid is Important?

When you are new to the world of cars and machinery, it’s really hard to figure out the dos and don’ts of that world. Since you have no experience in it, getting lost is really easy and getting on the right path is actually very stressful and back bending, this is why you should always consult an expert of search up at least a dozen of articles before you start working your way with your car, but you don’t have to do any of that today! Because I will be giving you a very thorough guide on how long your power steering fluid stays along with much more so that you can really find it all in one place without missing out on anything important! So, let’s start!     

Before you go any further in on how long your power steering fluid lasts in your car at the power steering unit, you should first start with a few basics like what power steering fluid is, what role it plays in your car and how it helps you drive your car smoothly. So, brace yourself, we are going to find that out just now!     

1. What is a power steering fluid?

Power steering fluid is one of the main components in a vehicle that helps your vehicle to run smoothly on the road without any disruptions. It is also a kind of food that it needs to run without causing any problems or without stopping. If I’m being more open with you, power steering fluid is what lubricates your car’s engine and makes sure that your engine is full and well and is running in a healthy and proper way. 

This specific fluid or lubricant is made for the power steering system of your car so that it can provide your car’s engine with the lubrication that it needs to run properly. If your car is not getting enough power steering fluid in its system, or if you haven’t changed your power steering fluid in a long time, you and your car might face damage and disruptions then. Therefore, it is important to know what power steering fluid is, what it does and how you can keep it in check.    

What is a power steering fluid

2. How long does the power steering fluid last?

Power steering fluid is often one of the most overlooked fluids of all time that you can get in a car, most of the time, it is overlooked because people don’t know much about it and are often too busy with the basic fluids. Everyone is too busy checking the levels of their gasoline, oil, and other fluids that they have in their car, but power steering fluid. 

Even though, it is incredibly important for you to keep checking on your power steering fluid and keep changing it if you want your car to function properly it is still not enough. The best advice that I can give you, in this case, is to keep checking your power steering fluid every other month or so so that you don’t ever have to face a mishap because your car is running low on power steering fluid. 

Power steering fluid has the capacity to last a lot longer than the average fluids that get fueled into your car, for example, petrol. You don’t have to worry about everyday levels of your power steering fluid like petrol or other oil, you will just need to check it or refill it every other month or every two weeks.

It usually powers steering fluid to last about 3-5 years, give or take, which means you can travel at least about 30,000 to 60,000 miles without worrying about your power steering fluid going bad or getting dry. Other than that, if you have given your car some tough days or if you and your car have been through some bad roads together, it might be a good idea to check the power steering fluid of your car after the drive. 

How long does the power steering fluid last

Since cars have the tendency to get leaks after they go through some tough days, power steering fluid can also breakdown over some years, which is why it is important to keep it in check, so, I guess it is safe to say that you should be taking care of your power steering fluid after minimum 2 and maximum 5 years.      

Read Also: Power Steering Fluid Symbol

3. How to quickly refresh your power steering fluid?

Although the best way to refresh your power steering fluid in your power steering unit is to flush it all out at once and then refill it again with a fresh power steering system, there are more ways to solve your problems too, which is why I’m here, so let’s find out!  

  • Pop the hood of your car and remove the cap of the power steering fluid unit of your car. 
  • With the help of a turkey baster, along with a manual vacuum pump and a siphon pump, make sure you remove the power steering fluid from your power steering unit completely and store it in any kind of old container that you might find in your garage.   
  • Make sure you lock your car and your car’s steering wheel too so that it stays in one place, this will also help push the rest of the power steering fluid into the power steering unknit of your car.
  • Keep repeating the second and the third step of this guide until you are sure that there is no power steering fluid in the power steering unit.
  • Then what you will do is, you will find the manufacturer’s specified capacity and fill the power steering unit of your car with it.
  • Turn the steering wheel of your car which you previously locked again to lock, and then proceed to push the power steering fluid through the power steering system unit of your car. 
  • Keep repeating the last step while you also keep on checking the level of the power steering fluid in the power steering unit system of your car, you can check the levels of the power steering fluid with the help of a dipstick. Keep checking the levels until you reach the correct level of the power steering fluid. 
  • Make sure you are using the correct kind of power steering fluid that has been specifically designed for your car keeping in view its design and body.     
How to quickly refresh your power steering fluid


Here is a list of a few common questions that people who asked us the same question as you were interested in! so let’s dive into the FAQ section! 

1. Is it safe to add power steering fluid to your car all by yourself?

Yes, it is completely safe to add power steering fluid to your car’s power steering unit all by yourself, if you have the right kind f equipment and the right guide to help you through the process.

Is it safe to add power steering fluid to your car all by yourself

2. How long can a car travel without a power steering fluid?

You can only travel so much without your car’s power steering fluid helping you run your car smoothly, I would personally advise you to not try and run your car without the power steering fluid in it as it can end in damaging your car or calling for a mishap. 

3. Is it normal for the power steering fluid to go bad before 2-3 years?

Yes, it is normal for power steering fluid to go bad after 2-3 years, it is rare but it is not impossible, it can happen when you have over-exerted or using your car, in the long run, and that too on not too smooth roads. 

4. Can you lose power steering fluid without a leak?

No, you cannot lose the power steering fluid of your car without a leak, since power steering fluid basically never evaporates or burns off, the only way you can lose your car’s power steering fluid is if your car is having a leak.

Final Thoughts

Now that we have reached the end of the article, I hope by now, you have come to terms with everything that you needed to know about the power steering fluid of your car, from how long it lasts to how you can refresh it whenever you want to without any help. 

If you still have any kind of questions related to this article in mind or if you have any kind of trouble reading it, I would personally suggest you give this article another read so that you can easily clear your head and get on with your car’s work!   

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