
How Long Does Ceramic Coating Take to Cure

Ceramic coating saves your car’s paintwork from rust, moisture, UV ray, road salt, and many other things. But in order to do that properly, it’s essential to make sure that the ceramic coating has been applied and cured properly. So the concern we all have here is, how long does ceramic coating take to cure?

Some people claim that it takes about 24 hours to cure and some say that it can take up to 2 or 3 weeks. So, which one is the right answer, and which one should you follow? As a matter of fact, both of these answers are partially right. You just need detailed answers to get a grasp of the whole scenario.

How Long Does Ceramic Coating Take to Cure

In this article, I’ll tell you all about the curing time of the ceramic coating. Besides that, I’ll explain which curing time is essential for what purpose and why it’s important to spare that time. Hopefully, this article will clear out your confusion once and for all. Keep reading for the details.

So, let’s start!

Here’s How Long Ceramic Coating Should Take to Cure

The curing time of the ceramic coating depends on which one you’re applying to your car. The recommended time for curing varies from one to another. But that’s not the reason behind all the confusion. In order to clear out the confusion, you need to ask these questions specifically –

How Long Should Ceramic Coating Cure Before Getting the Car Back On the Road?

The whole process of ceramic coating keeps your car occupied for a couple of days. Sometimes it can be difficult to do your day-to-day work without your personal transport. That’s why it’s important to know when you’ll be able to use the car again after applying the ceramic coating.

If the concern is driving the car again, you need to wait for 12 to 24 hours. This is the least amount of time you should allow for curing. There are some ceramic coatings out there that allow you to drive the car right after applying the coating. But here we are only talking about the general time frame for curing.

After a day or so, it’s safe to get the car back on the road. You can do all your regular stuff but you have to make sure that the coating doesn’t get damaged anyway. The coating has cured only to a level that allows for driving on a normal day. It’s not yet ready to endure what it’s meant to. 

How Long for Ceramic Coating to Cure COMPLETELY?

The thing is, 12 to 24 hours is the required curing period that allows you to take the car back from the automobile shop. That doesn’t mean the coating has cured completely. In order to work to its full potential and ensure durability, it’ll need about 3 more weeks to get fully cured.

Ceramic Coating to Cure COMPLETELY

It’s important to know the required amount of time for curing completely. Because there are certain things you shouldn’t do before the ceramic coating cures completely. Here are the things you should follow before the car cures completely –

  • Try to limit driving the car in this 3 weeks period
  • Avoid auto-washing the car or washing it with a high-pressure hose
  • Avoid driving during snowstorms or rain
  • Don’t drive on roads with loose and corrosive pebbles or sand

Factors That Affect the Curing Time

ceramic coating time image

There are some factors that can cause delays in the usual curing time. To ensure quick and proper curing it’s important to deal with those issues. Sometimes that doesn’t just delay the curing process, it holdbacks the ceramic coating to reach its full potential. Here are the things should be on the lookout for –


Temperature is the key to fast curing. 20°C or 68°F is considered the optimal temperature for applying and curing the ceramic coating. But if the temperature falls below 10°C or 50°F then it becomes an issue. Car owners in the northern areas often face this issue with the temperature.

Try to keep your car in a place where you can maintain a temperature above 10°C. Avoid driving while it’s snowing outside. Because snow buildup can cause damage to the curing if it hasn’t cured completely. If the temperature around the car exceeds 60°C, that’ll also cause problems.


The relative humidity for proper curing should be between 45% to 60%. If the humidity is more than that, it’ll slow down the curing process. The ceramic coating won’t be able to adhere to the paint surface properly. And as a result, your car will get an oily finish.

You can use dehumidifiers and portable air conditioners to control the humidity of the room where the car is kept.

Direct Sunray

Even though ceramic coating offers reliable protection against the damaging factors of direct sunlight, you should avoid direct sunlight during the curing period. I would suggest avoiding direct sunlight at least for the first two days of the curing period.

Lack of Air Circulation

Proper air circulation is necessary for curing the ceramic coating. Without the flow of fresh air, the humidity of the space can significantly increase. As a result, the curing process becomes slow and that can lead to damage to the coating.

Read: Does Ceramic Coating Reduce Exhaust Heat

Why Is It Important to Let Ceramic Coating Cure Properly?

The curing period is when the ceramic coating to the paintwork properly. It creates a strong bond with the surface of the car’s paint and works as a sealant. The strength of the bond and the durability of this protective layer actually depend on how well the coating cures.

Important to Let Ceramic Coating Cure

The ceramic coating doesn’t just save your car from bird droppings, road salt, acid rain, and moisture. It also offers a glossy look for your car. But if the curing process is interrupted, it’s not just the durability that’ll be compromised. Your car will also have a hazy finish. Once the ceramic coating cures properly, it’ll serve you properly for a couple of years straight. That’s why it’s worth the wait.

FAQs Related to Ceramic Coating to Cure

What if it rains after applying the ceramic coating?

If the car is exposed to rain right after applying the ceramic coating, it can cause some serious damage. It won’t just slow down the curing process, it’ll compromise the strength of the bond. That’s why it’s recommended not to drive the car before it completely cures.

But if the ceramic coating is cured properly, you’ve got nothing to worry about. Ceramic coating creates a smooth surface on your car’s paint and saves it from the negative effects of rain and moisture.

How to cure ceramic coating faster?

The curing process of the ceramic coating depends on 3 factors. They are – temperature, humidity, and air circulation. Controlling these factors properly can accelerate the curing process. Increasing the temperature will increase the curing speed of the ceramic coating. You can use a room heater for that.

Keeping the relative humidity level below 60% will speed up the curing process. But make sure that it doesn’t fall below 40%. You can use a humidifier and dehumidifier to control humidity. Ensuring proper air circulation can also accelerate the curing process.

Effects of dust on ceramic coating while curing?

If the ceramic coating comes in contact with dust while curing, it can have some adverse effects. Ceramic coating is a polymer solution that creates a bond with the exterior of your car’s paint and works as a sealant. If dust particles enter the scenario, it’ll compromise the whole process.

First of all, the dust will interrupt the bonding process and make the bond weak. Then again, the car won’t get the smooth and glossy finish that it’s supposed to get. The surface will look faded and feel rough.

How long to let the ceramic coating dry before wiping?

You should wait at least 24 hours to wipe and clean the ceramic-coated surface. But make sure to avoid using anything abrasive that can damage the layer. Also, don’t put pressure on the surface. Just use a cotton-made wiper and clean the car smoothly. After 3 or 4 weeks, you can clean the car just like you used to.

Final Thoughts

This article should clear all your confusion about how long ceramic coating takes to cure. Now that you know the two stages, you can make a plan for how you’ll manage transportation on the first day and how you can carry out small tasks in the next couple of weeks. And after it cures completely, you’re all set!

There is no way you can avoid waiting in the curing period. But it is also quite difficult to move without your car for a long time. That’s why I suggest getting it done right before you’re going on a long trip and planning to stay there for a couple of weeks.

I’ve written this article based on thorough research, and my own experience & knowledge of this thing. Hopefully, you found this helpful!

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