
How to Roll Fenders on a Car – Step by Step Guide

Wheatear you want to make your car a bit taller by adding bigger wheels or if you have a plan to lower your car by altering that. In both, these case rolling the fenders is very important and if you want to avoid damage of the tire or even if you do not want to catch the wheel arch with the wheel then the fender roller tool comes handy and this article will mainly focus on this fact of rolling the fenders with the tool.

When To Roll Fenders

The very first question regarding fender rolling comes forward is when it is necessary to roll the fenders. The answer is when trying to modify your with certain wheel features like making the car taller or widening the wheel or flattening the car.

When To Roll Fenders of a car

Making the Car Taller:

If you want to make your car sportier by adding larger tires then fender rolling is advised. This feature will also make the car taller. Ground clearance is very important to be achieved and rolling fenders will also not end up scraping the wheels while you are driving your car in uneven surfaces.

Flattening the Surface:

New drivers have a tendency to keep a low profile by flattening the surface and doing this you have to be very accurate of all the measurements and this is where rolling the fender is important.

Wider Wheels:

It can be for fashion or it can be to gain proper stability and better handling of the car but for the reasons, wider wheels can be the option. As for both of the reasons wider wheels are the option. But while gaining this feature again you will have to roll the fenders.

Benefits of Rolling Fenders

Coming from the manufacturers most of the wheel arches has this metal curved part which has around 60 to 90-degree angle. And this part is called fender and it does a particular duty which is protecting the moving wheel from dirt and pollution.

Many enthusiastic drivers tend to like lower cars with large or wide tires because, to be honest it looks cool but with the look, there come some issues like catching the arch or having a full load which has a lot to do with rolling the fenders.

As a result, rolling the fenders provide much more clearance for the wheels and you can see the results by rolling your fingers over the fender finding that there’s no metal at any angle and this has a great impact on the low cars which wide or large wheels.

  • If you want to get lower offset wheels for your car then fender rolling will give more clearance to the wheels
  • Wheels with extended tire width also gets the wanted clearance by fender rolling
  • You can use your car for harder tracks
  • Your wheel will not catch the arch while driving on hostile surfaces
  • Flared arches gain more aggressiveness

Best Way to Roll Fenders on a Car

This part of the article mainly discuss how to roll fenders. The process and also tools will be given step by step. The tools are required for fender rolling

  • A heat gun
  • A fender roller
  • A wrench
  • Your customized or targeted wheel
  • Jack stands
  • Jack type crocodile
  • Long nuts and washers

1. Selecting and Buying the New Wheel:

Firstly you have to manage or collect the new wheel that you have targeted for installation. This is important because without this you will not be able to do any of the measurements of the clearance you will need. Because you are doing the fender rolling forgetting that space under the inner lip of the car.

One thing you need to keep in mind that you do not need to roll anything if you are just changing the wheel with the stock products of the manufacturer. But if you are replacing with customized, wider or large wheels then fender rolling is important.

2. Checking the Clearance:

As you have managed your customized wheel now it is time for checking the clearance. It is very easy to measure the clearance of the wheel. You will not need any complex tools for it rather your fingers (Mainly three your index, middle and ring fingers).

Place these three fingers in the middle space of the fender and the wheel. And if your fingers feel tightness or uneasiness then be sure that you need you will need to roll the fender more.

Experts tend to say that an ideal clearance for the wheel should be your four fingers adding the pinky with the other three should easily ve put in-between space of the fender and the wheel.

But still car types can vary from one another. For example, if your car is an SUV then the clearance should bite more than normal cars.

3. Lifting the Car:

After all the measurements you will need to lift your car for further work. For lifting the car you will need a jack. There are two recommended jack which will be perfect for this work. They are floor jack and crocodile jack.

So you have to lift the car by using the jacks and after lifting it make sure the car remains in a secured position by using some quality jack stands which will hold the car properly and make it easy for further work then you will have to remove the wheels.

4. Installing the Fender Roller:

You should not buy a fender roller at the first place because the tool is pretty expensive that is why you can easily rent it from any car tool shops. The tool set will come with nuts and bolts using which you can easily connect with the wheel bearing.

Using the tool is very easy because you do not have to apply torque in it rather you will have to use nuts and bolts and washers to install the fender roller on the extension of the wheel bearing. While attaching it keep this in mind that the fender should be at 12 O’clock of the wheel bearing.

5. Rolling the Fender:

This step can say as the main step. In this step, you will use heat and start rolling the fender. But before doing all this make sure your fender is clean and if not then make it.

After that first roll the fender without heat just to check the direction and after that start rolling the fender with the heat gun. They will help you to increase the clearance. Do this rolling again and again to get the results.

6. Check the Clearance Again:

After rolling the main task is to insert the new wheels just measure the clearance. As a result, you need to insert the new customized wheels then use your four fingers to measure the clearance. While measuring it if you see the measurement are not right then you will have to go to the early processes again and roll it again.


This is totally the wish of the owner that he wants to wax his car again after all this work or not. If you want to clean and polish it for the aesthetic purpose you can totally do that.

Wrap Up
Fender rolling is not hard at all rather it sounds a bit hard. It should be a piece of cake for most of the car owners. But still, you have to have some ideas regarding fender rolling but if you follow these steps you can easily roll your fender at home.

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